2019 Symposium Handouts
February 21, 22, 23, 2019
Sheraton Kansas City Hotel at Crown Center | Kansas City, Missouri
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Thursday, February 21 | Presymposium Workshops
Morning Sessions, 9:00 AM - 12:00 PM
Cherie Blanchat, LSCSW and Christin Sheldon, LMSW
Carrie Fairbairn, MEd, Sallye Vanderplas-Lee, BA, and Jodie Tagel, MEd
Afternoon Sessions, 1:30 PM - 4:30 PM
Vanessa Tucker, PhD, BCBA-D, LBA
Felicity Balluch, EdD
Kaye Otten, PhD, BCBA and Lisa Robbins, PhD
Friday, February 22 | Keynote Session | 8:30 - 10:00 AM

Friday, February 22 | Breakout Sessions
Breakout sessions are organized by the session time and presenters last name.
Breakout Set I | 10:20 - 11:20 AM
Innovative Prevention and Intervention Efforts to Address School Violence and Promote School Connectedness
Master Teacher Strand - Motta, Rieken-Gross, Forsberg
You Want Me to Do What? Cheap, Easy Online Data Collection Tools for Behavior Tracking
Using Antecedent Strategies to Support Students’ Behavior in the Classroom
Essential Classroom Components: Programming Considerations for Students with Autism
Early Writing, Assessment and Behavior
The Roles of BCBAs in Providing Behavior Supports in Schools: Uncovering the Complexities
Analyzing Risk: When is Physical Restraint and Seclusion Warranted in Schools?
Breakout Set II | 11:30 AM - 12:30 PM
MASTER TEACHER SESSION: All That and a Bag of Tricks: Oldie But Goodie Strategies with a Twist
*Empowering Teachers with Low-Intensity Strategies to Support Instruction: A Model for Professional Development and Training
Trauma: The Impact on the Mind, Body, and Behavior
There is More to Life Than Just Apps: Improving Classroom Behavior Through the Use of Technology
Promoting Parental Engagement in the Special Education Process
Breakout Set III | 2:00 - 3:00 PM
Opening the Door, Shedding Baggage, & Creating Momentum!
To School and Beyond: Getting Kids with Challenging Behavior Back on Track
School-Based Support for Internalizing Problems: Checking in on Check-in/Check-out
Restorative Practices: Teaching Behavioral Expectations with Students
Taking Care of Our Collective Mental Health: A Story and Lessons
Breakout Set IV | 3:15 - 4:15 PM
KEYNOTE STRAND It Should Be Easier Than This: Changing Teachers’ Mindsets Regarding Challenging Behavior
Breaking the Pattern of Exclusion: Supporting At-risk Students Through Instruction and Relationships
Teacher Voices: Culturally Responsive Practices within Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports
Taking the BS Out of Classroom Management: REAL Classroom Management
Back to Basics: Collecting Behavioral Data You Can Actually Use
Using Intensive Teaching Card Sort to Increase Verbal Behavior Milestones – A District Case Study
Saturday, February 23 | 9:00 - 11:30 a.m. | Special Workshop Sessions
1. Bully Prevention: Everything You Need to Know and More
Chad Rose, PhD
Jessica Nelson, MS, BCBA, LBA and Scott Fluke, PhD
Mitchell L. Yell, PhD, Carl R. Smith, PhD, and Antonis Katsiyannis, EdD
Lee Stickle MSEd and Linda Wilkerson, MSEd