2025 Poster Session Presentations

The Midwest Symposium for Leadership in Behavior Disorders fosters professional and family leadership that improves the lives of children and youth with emotional/behavioral disorders or related behavioral challenges. Participants are primarily teachers and related services staff.
Poster Submission Deadline: June 15 | Second Call Deadline September 20
Event: 43rd Annual Midwest Symposium for Leadership in Behavior Disorders
Dates: Poster Session held Friday, February 21, 2024; 4:00 - 6:00 PM (Conference dates February 20, 21, 22, 2025)
Location: Sheraton Kansas City at Crown Center, 2345 McGee Street, Kansas City, Missouri, 64108
With an ongoing emphasis on evidence-based practice, the Midwest Symposium invites proposals which:
- Demonstrate how the proposed session is based on research-based practices, preferably beyond the basic/introductory level;
- Identify the target audience;
- List outcomes for participants with an emphasis on practical application.
Poster Session Awards
Members of the MSLBD Poster Committee will be evaluating posters during the session according to the following criteria: quality & clarity, evidence base & rigor, and design. Three posters will be chosen for the award. You may download a copy of the evaluation rubric here.
Information for All Presenters
- Only the individual submitting the proposal will be informed about the acceptance status of the presentation.
- One complimentary registration will be provided per presentation when the first presenter (or a designated co-presenter) registers on or before the Early Registration deadline. After the early registration deadline, the fee will be 50% of the attendee registration fee. (registration details)
- Co-presenters attending the Symposium register at the appropriate registration rate based on the date registration is completed.
- No travel reimbursement or honorarium will be provided.
Information for Poster Session Presenters
- Poster Sessions at MSLBD offer a unique opportunity to interact with practitioners in the field. The informal atmosphere is conducive to exploring best practices and enjoying a meaningful conversation, networking opportunities, or just a chance to catch a breath.
- Time: Friday afternoon 4:15 - 6:00 p.m.
- Format: 6 foot skirted tables and corresponding wall space, presentation materials can be presented in large poster format attached to the wall above the table, multi-page postings attached to the wall, or on a pre-designed presentation board designed to set atop the provided table. Include take-away materials such a QR code link to a website or handouts that provide strategies, implementation highlights, sample data, or reference material.
- Please let us know in advance if you will need to be placed close to an electrical outlet to run technology to enhance your presentation.
- A cash bar is available as well as complimentary hors-d'oeuvres.
It is the policy of the Midwest Symposium for Leadership in Behavior Disorders that sessions selected for inclusion in the Symposium program are not to be used for marketing commercially and/or individually produced materials for sale. Proposals that appear to be focused in such a direction will not be accepted. Tables are available for the display of such materials outside of our sessions, and we encourage the use of that venue for sales purposes.
Poster Submission Deadline: June 15
Notification Date: August 1-9