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Welcome to RETHINKING Behavior!

RETHINKING Behavior is a free online magazine published three times per year for professionals serving children & youth with behavioral needs. Links to new issues are sent via email. Subscribe here and also receive MSLBD conference announcements! Your email address will not be shared outside of MSLBD.

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Click to view the latest issue--FALL 2024 - RETHINKING Behavior

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The goals of RETHINKING Behavior are to:

Affirm and strengthen collegiality among those who work with learners impacted by emotional, behavioral and/or mental health needs; Provide thoughtful discussion, analysis and commentary on issues; Provide current information about practice, policy and research; Intentionally seek diverse voices to better understand and respond to all students; Present personal stories and perspectives of children and youth, their families, service providers, educators, and others; and Offer edgy & provocative information, as well as humor, parody, fiction and some fun!

Are you interested in contributing to RETHINKING Behavior? 

We welcome submission of ideas for articles and drafts of potential articles. For detailed information on how to contribute see below: