2018 Autism Conference Handouts
Items will be added as they are received from the presenters before and after the conference. Sessions with available handouts will be shown in "blue," click on the session number and presenters name to download a copy to your local device. Please "refresh your browser" each time you visit this page to see the newest material available.
2018 Autism Conference Program Material
2018 Autism Conference - Keynote Sessions
Thursday Keynote Session - Dr. Brenda Smith Myles
To Graduation, and Beyond! Planning for Success - This presentation is no longer available
The Problem isn’t the Game, it’s the Playbook: How having a Child with Autism Changed our Lives
Thursday, October 4, 2018 - Workshop Sessions
Critical Components for Establishing an Intensive Verbal Behavior Program for Students with ASD
Video-Based Instruction for Students with Autism
A Multi-Tiered Function Based Thinking Approach to Behavior Support
Creating High Quality Rural Programs for Students with ASD and Intellectual Disabilities
An Update of Case Law and Students with Autism Spectrum Disorders
To Graduation, and Beyond! Planning for Success
How to Use Self-Management Strategies for Students with Autism
Sexuality Education for Students with Autism
Supporting Educators Serving Students with Autism Spectrum Disorders and Complex Learning Needs
Friday, October 5, 2018 - Breakout Sessions
Write on! Building Written Language Repertoires in Students with ASD and Intellectual Disabilities
Social Strategies for High Functioning Students with ASD
Strategies for Success: Addressing Executive Functioning Deficits in Students with Autism Spectrum Disorders
How To Do Discrete Trial Training: Creating an ABA-based Teaching Program for Young Children with Autism
Supporting Play in Preschoolers with Autism Through Peer-Mediated Interventions
Training and Managing Paraprofessionals in a School Setting
Teaching Play to Young Children with ASD
Social Competencies: Supporting Students with Autism
Implementing Structured Teaching in a Classroom to Improve Student Outcomes
Employment Skills Training for Transition-Aged Youth with ASD
Using Evidence-based Practices with Students with Autism Spectrum Disorder
Prevalent Practices and Critical Concerns for Individuals with ASD and Complex Communication Needs
ASD Toolkit for Evaluation and Programming
Skillstreaming for Students with High Functioning Autism
Increasing Social Competence Skills in Young Children with Autism through Individualized Peer-Mediated Interventions
Using Visual Supports to Enhance Language and Cognition
Too Many Behaviors, Too Little Time! How to Prioritize Target Behaviors
The Early Childhood Autism Certificate: An Innovative Approach to Professional Development