2022 Awards and Stipends
The 2022 awards ceremony of the Midwest Symposium for Leadership in Behavior Disorders (MSLBD) recognized current and future leaders in our field. We welcomed one new member to the MSLBD Master Teacher group. Review award criteria here.

Outstanding Leadership Award: (L) Dr. Timothy Landrum, Professor of Special Education, University of Louisville, KY
The Outstanding Leadership Award
The Midwest Symposium presents this award to an individual who has exhibited outstanding service and leadership to the field of behavior disorders on a national level.
Timothy Landrum, Ph.D., Professor of Special Education, University of Louisville, Kentucky
"In recognition of his outstanding research, leadership in the field, and commitment to colleagues and students to improve the lives of students with emotional and behavioral disorders."

Outstanding Educator Award: (L) Henry "Hank" Richards, Ted Lechner Youth Service Center, Billings, MT
Outstanding Educator Award
The Midwest Symposium presents this award to an individual who has exhibited outstanding achievement and excellence in classroom service to students with behavioral needs.
Henry "Hank: Richards, Ted Lechner Youth Services Center, Billings, Montana
"In recognition of his passion to celebrate, encourage, and support the goals and achievements of students; and for his outstanding advocacy on behalf of system involved students with emotional and behavioral disorders."

Outstanding Building Leadership Award: (L) PJ McGinnis, Northgate Middle School North Kansas City Schools, MO
Outstanding Building Leadership Award
The Midwest Symposium presents this award to an individual who has exhibited outstanding achievement and excellence as a building or program administrator serving students with behavioral needs.
PJ McGinnis, Northgate Middle School, North Kansas City Schools, Missouri
"For exemplary leadership in recognizing and nurturing the potential in all students, teachers, and staff."

Unsung Hero Award: (L) Dr. Sharon Maroney, Blue Grass, IA, with spouse David G Smith
Unsung Hero Award
MSLBD is served by many individuals who work in making our organization successful for 38 years and considered by many as a leader in meeting the needs of educators and others serving youth with significant behavioral or mental health needs. This award recognizes an individual who has contributed significantly to the success of MSLBD but may not have been recognized for these contributions.
Dr. Sharon Maroney, Blue Grass, Iowa
"In recognition of his commitment and service to Midwest Symposium for Leadership in Behavior Disorders, whose mission is to improve the lives of children and youth with emotional and behavioral challenges."
Doctoral Stipend Award
Provided to students pursuing, or applying to pursue, a Doctoral degree in special education with a program emphasis on behavior disorders or a closely related field.
Gretchen Scheibel, University of Kansas, Lawrence, Kansas

Educational Programs Award: Edgar Murray Elementary, St. Clair R-13 School District, Missouri
Educational Program Award
The Building Bridges: Seeds for Development Award is a stipend for classroom or a program to support a variety of activities to improve education for students with emotional/behavioral disorders and autism spectrum disorders.
Edgar Murray Learning Labs
Edgar Murray Elementary, St. Clair R-13 School District, Missouri
In recognition of outstanding educational endeavors that support students with emotional and behavior disorders in public schools.

Introduction of the newest Master Teachers, Kristen McKearney (2nd from left) and Stephanie Kopecky (right), with colleagues Sallye Lee & Carrie Fairbairn, Educational Service Unit 3, LaVista, NE
MSLBD Master Teacher Group
The Midwest Symposium for Leadership in Behavior Disorders Master Teachers are a group of experienced professional educators committed to bridging the "research to practice gap" by promoting the use of evidence-based practices in their work directly with students who exhibited behavioral challenges in public schools. Founded in 2006, the master teacher group provides a strand of practical, "what to do on Monday" presentations at the annual MSLBD symposium every February and contributes tips and tools on this website to help teachers in their daily practice.
Kristen McKearney & Stephanie Kopecky
Brook Valley South, Educational Service Unit 3, LaVista, Nebraska
2022 Outstanding Award in Poster Presentation
How is SWPBIS Fidelity Related to Student Discipline?
Nicolette Grasley-Boy and Nicholas Gage (not pictured)
What Does It All Mean?: SRSD Literacy Instruction in Residential Treatment Facilities
Lauren Hart Rollins, Sara Sanders, Kristine Jolivette, Allyson Pitzel, and Aimee Hackney
Mickey Losinski Research Poster Award - Extracurricular Activities and Bullying Introvert Risk for Youth with Disabilities
Lindsey G. Mirielli, Katherine A. Graves, Tracey Milarsky, Cannon Ousley, Monica Romero, Laura Avery, Chad A. Rose
Get Involved
The Midwest Symposium for Leadership in Behavior Disorders recognizes individuals for the following awards. Review the criteria and nomination forms for these awards, here.