35th Annual Midwest Symposium for Leadership in Behavior Disorders
February 23, 24, 25, 2017
Sheraton Kansas City Hotel at Crown Center
Kansas City, Missouri
2017 Symposium Information & Exhibitors
2017 Keynote Presentation

- Who are the students who have the most challenging and complex behavior problems?
- Are they being served appropriately? Why is this programming so difficult? Does anyone really know how to effectively serve them?
- What constitutes evidence-based programming for these students? Is this being consistently provided for our students?
- What are the professional, legal and ethical issues involved in serving these students?
The MSLBD Keynote this year will provided four short, intense, "Ted Talk-like" responses to these and other questions about serving students. Each speaker "cut to the chase" about how students students who have intensive behavioral needs, and how they might be served appropriately. Video of each of the four keynote sessions is available here.
Keynote Strand
Select the title of the session to download handouts shared in the one-hour breakout sessions by the keynote presenters.
Richard Van Acker, Ed.D., Emeritus Professor, University of Illinois at Chicago
JoAnne M. Malloy, MSW, Ph.D., Clinical Assistant Professor, Institute on Disability, University of New Hampshire
Vernon Jones, Ph.D., Emeritus Professor, Lewis & Clark College, Portland, Oregon
Daniel Stewart, J.D., Ph.D., Supervising Attorney, Minnesota Disability Law Center, Mid-Minnesota Legal Aid
Friday, February 24 | Keynote, General Sessions, Poster Session
So, Tell Me What You Want, What You Really, Really Want: Calibrating Reinforcement Schedules for Learners with Challenging Behavior
Prevention and Intervention for School Dropout for Students with EBD
Highly Structured Systems for Positive Reinforcement and Corrective Consequences
Why Does He Do That? Using Function-Based Thinking to Address the Needs of Students with Challenging Behavior in the Classroom
Why Does He Do That? Using Function-Based Thinking to Address the Needs of Students with Challenging Behavior in the Classroom
Providing Meaningful Instruction to Support Employment for Students with Autism Spectrum Disorder
Understanding Executive Functioning Skills of Students with Autism Spectrum Disorder
Legal Developments in the Education of Students with EBD: What You Need to Know and Why
Saturday, February 25 | Two-Hour Workshop Sessions
Legal Developments in the Education of Students with EBD: What You Need to Know and Why
Psychiatric Medication for Emotional or Behavioral Disorders
Are you Talking to Me? Increasing Student Engagement in the Classroom
Thursday, February 23 | Morning Half-Day Presymposium Workshops
You Can’t Make Me! Paradigm Shifts and Unusual Techniques for Managing Resistance
Practical Program Design for Behavioral Classrooms: Addressing Intensive Behavioral
Needs -
Practical Program Design for Behavioral Classrooms: Addressing Intensive Behavioral
Needs -
WS - 4 - Ellen McGinnis-Smith - Handout
Trauma: A Different Look at Behavior and School-based Strategies
Trauma: A Different Look at Behavior and School-based Strategies
Neurodiversity and Autism: Concepts, Issues, and Practical Strategies for Strengths-based Instruction
Building the Foundation: Tips, Tricks, and Tools for Effective Classroom Management
Building the Foundation: Tips, Tricks, and Tools for Effective Classroom Management
Mental Health Promotion and Intervention in the Classroom
Circles: A Foundational Restorative Practice for Healthy School Culture