35th Annual Midwest Symposium for Leadership in Behavior Disorders

February 23, 24, 25, 2017
Sheraton Kansas City Hotel at Crown Center

Kansas City, Missouri


2017 Keynote Presentation

  • Who are the students who have the most challenging and complex behavior problems? 
  • Are they being served appropriately? Why is this programming so difficult? Does anyone really know how to effectively serve them? 
  • What constitutes evidence-based programming for these students? Is this being consistently provided for our students? 
  • What are the professional, legal and ethical issues involved in serving these students? 

The MSLBD Keynote this year will provided four short, intense, "Ted Talk-like" responses to these and other questions about serving students. Each speaker "cut to the chase" about how students students who have intensive behavioral needs, and how they might be served appropriately. Video of each of the four keynote sessions is available here.

Keynote Strand

Select the title of the session to download handouts shared in the one-hour breakout sessions by the keynote presenters. 

Friday, February 24  |  Keynote, General Sessions, Poster Session

Saturday, February 25  |  Two-Hour Workshop Sessions

Thursday, February 23 | Morning Half-Day Presymposium Workshops