2022 Health and Safety Policy

The MSLBD Planning Committee is excited to connect with you in person again and promise a great professional development event while celebrating our 40th Anniversary. Here are a few of the safety measures we have put in place to help create a safe space to learn and network. MSLBD will modify the precautions in place for your safety as we continue to monitor the situation.

Requirements for Attending the MSLBD Symposium during the Covid-19 Pandemic

  • MSLBD will not provide virtual attendance options for the Symposium.
  • MSLBD requests that all attendees be fully vaccinated and, when possible, have a booster prior to attending the conference (see CDC COVID-19 Vaccines).
  • MSLBD requests that anyone with a fever or any other symptoms of COVID or other illness not attend the conference.
  • All attendees will bring and wear masks in all meeting spaces and public spaces except while actively eating/drinking or presenting.
  • Where the available seating and size of rooms permit, participants should practice social distancing.
  • MSLBD will take every effort to make its conference safe for attendees, but individuals are responsible for their own decisions and precautions regarding health and safety.
  • MSLBD will communicate further changes based on guidance from government agencies.
  • The Sheraton Hotel has additional COVID mitigation policies that can be accessed at this link: https://clean.marriott.com/ 
  • MSLBD will utilize a green, yellow, and red color system to help attendees indicate their comfort level in networking situations. The color code system will help each of us know how to best interact with others based on the color sticker they have chosen to display on their badge: 

                Green = Handshakes and High-Fives welcome.  
                Yellow = Being Cautious, elbow and fist bumps are okay. 
                Red = Please, no contact.
                Please look for these colored stickers and be conscious of how to approach others.


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