Outstanding Leadership Award
Deadline: November 1
Award bestowed: At the Midwest Symposium in February
Award Description: The Midwest Symposium annually presents this award to an individual who has exhibited outstanding service and leadership to the field of behavior disorders on a national level. The recipient will also be reimbursed for expenses to attend the Symposium to receive the award in person. The recipient is selected by a three-person committee appointed by the Symposium Planning Committee. Nominations will be accepted from the Planning Committee and any interested person. Copies of this form may be obtained by contacting any member of the Symposium Planning Committee.
Award Criteria: The following criteria are used to determine the recipient. (Please enclose documentation when forwarding a nomination.) The first criterion receives the most weight.
- Outstanding career service on the national level to the field of EBD and ASD, including work in professional organizations, advocacy activities, and other nonprofit activities grant work and research pursuits;
- Professional contributions leading to the advancement of the field of EBD and ASD ;
- Seminal contributions to the field of scholarship in EBD and ASD;
- Recognized career of leadership to the field of EBD and ASD;
- Prominence in the field of E/BD over an extended period of time.